Monthly Archives March 2017

What happened to those New Years resolutions…? 3 Simple steps to getting back on track

What happened to those New Years resolutions…? 3 Simple steps to getting back on track So we are nearly at the end of the first 3 months of the year and quite often by this point in the year a lot of people have forgotten that they even set a New Year’s resolution… Are you one of them?  A New Year always feels like a good time to set some pretty major goals for the up-coming year - a fresh start, a chance to ‘finally’ stop that bad habit or maybe start a new good one.  Does that sound like
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5 Steps To Carb Loading – The Correct Way

5 Steps To Carb Loading – The Correct Way On the run up to a long distance race (typically 10 miles or longer), I often hear people talk about “carb loading” the night before. A lot of runners know that eating high carb foods, such as pasta or pizza, before a longer race is good idea but very few seem to know how to carb load correctly or even why you need to do it. Don’t get me wrong, I am definitely one of those people who doesn’t need an excuse to eat a large plate full of lovely Italian
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